Hi, I’m HellA Weston

Our work together is about empowering you to go within, do the work required to heal

and transform what no longer serves you, and develop a deeply meaningful and rewarding relationship with your own spirituality, intuition, and life purpose.

Through a unique combination of deep Intuitive coaching, Owaken Breathwork, Channeling, and Energy Medicine, I will help you get crystal clear and you’ll have tools, practices, and a new level of awareness that will positively impact you for the rest of your life.


Since I was a kid, I've been seeking answers to big questions like “Where did we come from?” and “Why are we here?”.

The Pandora's box that opened as a result of these questions set me on a life-long path of exploring what it means to me to be human, and how I can make a positive impact on this planet while I'm here.

As a highly sensitive person, for most of my life, I didn't have the tools to process the intensity of my feelings so I lived in an over-stimulated, overwhelmed, stressed-out state for decades.

Without tools or guidance to offer any hope, I believed I was broken, strange, overly sensitive and I felt hopeless, lost, and confused. My health spiraled downward and I developed a whole host of symptoms (depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, an autoimmune condition, and more).

I didn't want to live my life feeling sick, exhausted, drained, sad and insecure.

I wanted to thrive, do something meaningful and exciting with my life, and leave this world a better place.

I spent thousands of dollars on lotions, potions, and all sorts of so-called cures.

I read hundreds of books on personal development, psychology, spirituality, holistic healing, and success. I devoted time every single day to practicing what I learned and I put every bit of faith I had out into it.

Gradually, things began to shift and my life transformed from the inside out.

The cloud of depression lifted. The anxiety dissipated. I began to accept myself and then love myself. I found my sense of purpose and I learned how to trust my intuition more and work with the intelligence of my body rather than against it.

Uncovering the truth is where we find our freedom.

It is where I've found my freedom and why I've devoted my life to supporting others to go deeply within and turn their inspiration into real-life action.